Monday, 4 February 2013

Hellman's Mayo Ad Production Diary

4th February 2013
     Today my group finalized the shot list allowing us to start briefly on the storyboard but on the first shot we decided it would be best if we done the voice over script so we have a better understanding for our development of the storyboard so we started and finished the script today. This is where we left it so next time we will have to continue with the storyboard.

5th February 2013
     We split into two groups today to try and get as much done as we possible could, Alex started and finished analyzing the questionnaires and even made graphs for them and the me, Ollie and Jonny continued with the story boards but where unsuccessful in completion of it however Ollie started and finished the risk assessment sheet and once all of the paper work is done we hope to have it up on the blog in the next few days.

6th February 2013
     Today we managed to finish the storyboard and even put all of our pre production paperwork together so that it can go up on the blog relatively soon we have the location release and most of the talent release just waiting for one from a girl so that it shows a more family type situation. Last night I managed to start and complete a location recce and even get the location release so that we are all set for filming as soon as we finish off the last remaining bits of paper work.

7th February 2013
     Today most of the paperwork was put on the blog with a few bits remaining to go up including talent releases and the location release and hopefully all of this will be up on the blog by tomorrow after they have been through Photoshop and everything blurred out.

8th February
     Today the remains of the paperwork where put on the blog with two exceptions, The production Schedule and the Talent and Location releases. We don't plan to film till Tuesday so this will have to be done on Monday leaving us with little time left until the deadline but this shouldn't take to long and I am confident that the paperwork will be done on Monday.

11th February
     We finished all of the paperwork today and even uploaded it all the to blog, however Jonny is not here today so he will have to upload it when he can. As we are leaving at break time tomorrow I emailed Sean and Ellie to let them know where we will be and how to contact us and we also made sure all of our equipment would be available tomorrow when we are ready to go by going to the Audio Visual library and booked our equipment. With this all set we are ready for filming tomorrow.

12th February
     We headed off to the location of my house today to start filming, with everything already pre-booked we got all the equipment and were on our way to my house to begin. Once we got there we set up and got everything ready fro filming however we did not have the story board or the shot list, luckily this was already on blog so we could print them straight off, with everything then ready we begin filming and we were lucky enough to finish everything in one day, we made sure we were all happy with each of the shots before heading back to college, Let the editing commence!

13th February
     Today the whole group started to edit the footage on adobe premier pro our teacher helped us get the footage imported and showed us a variety of techniques to be used in premier pro and would eventually show us some techniques to use in after effects if we wanted to add a title or something else along those lines. When we got stuck into the advert we notice a fair amount of continuity errors and shots had to be chopped out because of it but we managed to work around it and get a good advert out of it hopefully we will finish shortly.

14th February
      Today our group of 4 was split into 2 groups of 2, our media teacher had done this so that we could make 2 versions of the advert allowing for the whole group to get necessary experience that will help us in future projects this seems to be a good idea as we can make 2 individual adverts and then take ideas from each advert to put together for the final idea, for this I will be working with Alex leaving Jonny and Ollie to work on the other advert.

25th February
     We are all back from half term now and back to editing, today we managed to finish a rough draft of how we want the finished product to look, however it was extremely rough, more cuts needed to be added, shots needed to be edited and the voice over needed to be recorded but at least we had some guide lines, we then learned a little bit about premier pro and how to add a title but some technical difficulties arose however we did overcome them, with this done we recorded the voice over script and put it onto the mac, a hard days work complete.

26th February
     Today me and Alex went back to the finished draft to experiment with effects that can be used, we applied the color correction to it and it makes the meals look a lot more appetizing it really brings out the best in the bright colors used making the advert much more aesthetically pleasing, we then went onto stabilizing our footage as some of it was a little jumpy however once stabilized it looked a lot better and it looked smooth, today has been a very productive day of learning about effects, some of these could come in handy.

27th February
     Today me and Alex joined back up with Ollie and Jonny to make a final advert, we watched each others for ideas but the best one was obvious, Ollie and Jonny had made a much higher quality advert than what me and Alex had so we decided to stick with theirs so we started to add the voice over to the advert but there was some background noise in it along with echo's I think we might have to re record this and I might have to ask about doing it in the recording studio as I do music technology and we wouldn't get the background noise or echo's in there.

28th February
     Instead of working on our advert today we worked on other footage so that we could get used to using adobe programs, using premier pro and after effects to put something together we still had a productive day nonetheless but no really work was done to our advert, I feel this was useful as we managed to get essential knowledge on adobe products and this is highly needed especially with the dead line so close.

1st March
     Going back to our advert today and continuing with the edit we managed to get together most of the sounds and effects needed, this included the voice over and even the background music the only sounds or effects missing are the dollop sounds for the mayonnaise going onto the food but once we have that we should also have a finished advert.

4th March
     We managed to finish the advert today however we still had problems with the audio in the voice over and because the recording studio was free me and Ollie went in there to record the voice over, once done it sounded a lot better and we put it onto our advert which worked a lot better than previously, with the advert now finished I have begun work on the advertisement evaluation.

5th March
     Today the whole class watched each others finished adverts to give feedback that would all be crucial and could be used in the evaluation, most of the feedback was good saying we target our target audience well and the advert just worked really well in general however there were some points made on the voice over script but all of this feedback is good as we can bring it up and mention on how to improve on it in the evaluation we then made some questionnaires to be handed out to broaden our audience feedback, hopefully it all goes well.

6th March
     Today we finished off watching the over groups adverts and gave our feedback on them before returning to our evaluation, I have managed to complete the first section and most of the second section of the evaluation I just need to collect the audience feedback so that I can finish the last bit of the second section and move onto the third section.

7th March
     I continued with my evaluation as much as I could today, I finished any sections that did not require any form of audience feedback but I still have to sill out the audience feedback sections, hopefully we will get it soon as the final deadline is drawing near.

8th March
     We received the audience feedback results today and with those received I put them into graphs and took screenshots of the survey monkey results, I spent most of the day doing this so that all of our group could access and use these results, just before the end of the day I managed to finish the begging of section two of the evaluation, using the audience research gathered, not much to do now.

11th March
     Today I managed to finish the evaluation and got it checked over by our teacher and everything seems to be in order, everything seems to be on the blog and the evaluation is done. Now it's time to leave the TV advertisement unit and move forward onto our next unit.

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